Staff Introduction
Click on staff introduction and make sure to click on each heart to hear a message from the staff members.
Laura Oyler - Principal
Michelle Alexander Assistant Principal
Faces you may see in the building!
Ms. Kelly
Ms. Lynette Ms. Kelcey Ms. Kristie
Ms. Lisa Ms. Meribeth Ms. Jana
SPEECH Parents as Teachers Parents as Teachers
Ms. Stacey Ms. Sheri

Ms. Lacie Ms. Heidi
All About the ECC

Frequently Asked Questions:
**How can I get my child to ride the bus? Students have to be on an IEP to receive the bus for Oak Grove Early Childhood. If your student doesn’t qualify for Speech or Special Services, they will not be eligible for the bus.
**What happens on snow days? Does the calendar change? Now that the district and staff are better prepared, if there is quarantine or inclement weather days, those days there will be virtual activities so there won't be a need to extend the school year.
**I'm upset with something my child told me happened at school. What should I do? First, contact the teacher and see if there was a miscommunication and see if she can help you feel at ease. If you don't feel like the problem was solved, please email Ms. Ms. Michelle @[email protected]. In the best interest of the students we are servicing in the building, we are not able to always stop immediately and address your concerns. Please don't take that as the teacher is ignoring you, but that we have to service the children we currently have to the best of our ability. The teacher or principal will get back to you. We value you and your child, we are sorry that sometimes communication has to wait due to our busy schedules. Please call the office 816-690-3762 or email with any issues so we can set up a meeting at a time we can give you our full attention.
**Can I bring in homemade snack? No, we have changed our policy with Covid and classroom allergies; the snacks must be purchased with an ingredient list.
**Do I bring snack just for my child? No, please bring plenty for the class and a variety of items are appreciated. If your child loves a certain snack, please provide it. If your child has a certain allergy or has certain dietary restrictions, please send an email to the teacher to make sure she knows! If you want to bring a certain snack for just your child because you don't allow them other snacks, please notify the teacher of that too.
**Will the students have classroom parties? Yes, the students will still celebrate special events, but we will not be able to allow parents in the building for them until further notice. You are welcome to send in treats for birthdays or special occasions!
**What is the best form of communication? Emailing your teacher makes sure she has a reminder of information, sometimes voicemails don't get delivered in time or messages given to someone at drop off don't always make it to the teacher in time. If it is something that needs immediate attention, it doesn't hurt to call and also send an email to ensure your child's teacher gets that important information.
**My child was sick last night but feels fine today - what should I do? Please keep your child home at the minimum of 24 hours after their last fever is gone with no use of Tylenol, Ibuprofen or other fever reducers.
**My child was sick threw up yesterday but feels fine today - what should I do? Please keep your child home for a minimum of 24 hours after their last vomiting or diarrhea is gone. That 24 hour window helps ensure they are not contagious when they return and gives their body time to recuperate after being ill.
**My child doesn't act like they are feeling good but isn't running a fever, what should I do? If this in not typical behavior, and you know they don't feel good, please allow them to stay home. Sometimes children do experience upset tummies when they have anxiety about going to school or changes in routine. We just all have to be diligent in making sure it isn't becoming a habit for the child to miss school.