Welcome To Our early childhood center Enrichment Activities

Welcome to the Early Childhood Center.

Our building houses Early Childhood Special Education,
Title I Preschool, Parents As Teachers, Speech and Language Therapy, and Occupational and Physical Therapy.

Our preschool is designed for children who may need extra help to be ready for Kindergarten. Children must qualify for preschool, and children are placed into the program based on screening scores.  Children who are struggling in development may qualify for a spot in the preschool.
We would be glad to screen any child who is 3-5 years old to see how they are doing developmentally.
Email at [email protected] and we will schedule a screening appointment.

Building Hours:
8:20-11:20 (AM) Morning Session M-Th
12:30-3:30 (PM) Afternoon Session M-Th
Monday through Thursday

Full Day PreK: 
8:20 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. Monday-Friday

501 SE 16th St.
(Entrance is on the west end of the building)
Oak Grove, Mo 64075


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